Dumela, everyone! Twenty-two days until travel! I am getting so excited; it’s unbelievable that our trip is just around the corner! If any of you out there are familiar with the Myers-Briggs personality indicator, you will know what I mean when I say I am an ENFJ. So as a J, I am sitting on […]
Dumela, everyone! Last week in class my classmates and I all received any vaccinations we needed for travel. While I am thankful that Botswana has no law requiring any specific vaccine for entry to the country (Ecuador does; vaccines totaled $200 last year), I am even more thankful that I was mostly up-to-date and received […]
Dumela, everyone. I am so sorry in advance for how late I am in posting this week. It has been hectic here – I just finished applying for graduate schools on top of a full weekend of work downtown. And a second apology – this will be a short entry (perhaps it will somehow even-out […]
Dumela, everyone. This week I’m going to discuss two topics and then try to integrate the two of them. I know already that this will be a long post, so I apologize in advance, but there’s a lot to talk about! Firstly, as promised, I’m going to discuss the book we just finished reading, Saturday […]
So this is the first week for response to the readings assigned to us in the class. There were some 12 readings total, a mix of journal, newspaper, and reference articles which gave us a steady footing on Botswana’s history, the basics of development and democracy, and some other related topics. Class on Monday the […]
This blog is a requirement for a course I am taking, Democracy in Africa. We will be studying democracy specifically within the geographical context of Botswana and joining other themes of HIV/AIDS, alternative energy policies, and development, and then taking what we’ve learned and looking back at our own home, Detroit, through a service-learning project. […]
Lara Rose Cenovski