The editing of my farm project is well underway. It’s crazy to think that in just two weeks’ time, my classmates, professors, and complete strangers will be watching my final product in the auditorium downstairs. And shortly after that, it will be available for the world on the web.
Graham asked to be included in a part of the editing process, so I invited him to come by the editing suites at any point and we could look over some of the material together. Yesterday, he and his girlfriend, Bethany (who makes a brief appearance in the film), stopped by for a couple hours.
While I was a nervous wreck sitting beside them, watching their reactions and wringing my hands, it was all smiles, laughter, and reassurance from the pair, but best of all, approvals and blessings to carry on.

Graham and Bethany view my rough cut
Any of my lingering questions or hesitations have been answered and reassured, respectively, leaving me optimistic and more certain than I’ve ever felt before in the editing suite. With a lengthy list of suggestions, corrections, and edits to go over, I still have a lot of work on my hands, 20 hours of footage, and 200 decisions to make. While most of the crucial decisions have been made, there’s still much more to consider and explore.

Making batch lists off of my transcripts was time-consuming and frustrating, as they require a very specific format
Up next in editing will be producing a second cut of the film, which should see the timeline, or order of events, firmly in place, with some sound editing finished. The final steps include a final cut of the film, colour grading, sound mixing, and end credits.
I still don’t have a title for the film, at this point, only laughable and absurd suggestions from Graham and other friends. I’m still open to suggestions at this point, but I feel like after my second cut, a title will hopefully become apparent and simply reveal itself to me as it did in Something Like a Tradition.
Both Bethany and Graham are planning on attending the screening, which is scheduled for around 5pm on Saturday, October 12th. If you are in the area, I hope you’ll come by and see my film (and my classmates’ too!), please email me for more information and the full screenings schedule.
Until next time, tarah!

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