Week 1/46 days until travel

  1. Megan says:

    I really enjoyed reading your posts. I really loved the idea of transformation and how pictures have such power behind them. Your point about the quality of images for places like Botswana on Google serious struck me like a slap in the face. Why is it that places that really need help via the power of photos don’t have any pictures? As for this being your first blog and for school no less, you are doing an awesome job and I look forward to reading more!

  2. Lexie says:

    I don’t know how much you’ve learned in the past about Africa, but when I started learning about the region, I definitely was shocked by the disparities in pretty much every context.

    I think this is a great, current example:

  3. alan says:

    Haven’t read it yet, but The Bang Bang Club is supposed to be really good. The photos they came up with are pretty amazing. A movie about them came out last fall. Ehhhh, I’ll just order the book right now.


  4. Rainy says:

    The images we “see”, whether we see them in print or on the web, are the “most popular”, “most viewed”, or “most” something. Certainly, many of them portray a powerful picture. Yet why just those particular images??? My jaded, old opinion is that much of what we see is controlled by the media. But we often have more control than we think if we just search a few more pages, not just the first three on Google. Our impatience and hurry-up attitudes are partly at fault. Your point about the need for more images is well taken. I hope you and your class document your life experiences, whether they are in Botswana or elsewhere. And yes, I believe the images that are embedded in our minds are the basis for much of our stereotyping; unfortunately, those are not easily erased.

  5. delvedibs says:

    Coming from someone who has an appreciation for photography it was refreshing to see someone who specifically pinpointed the effects of images. I agree with the notion that images evoke strong emotions (maybe even stronger than ANY words) that speak to us. What’s wonderful about images is that they are unique to everyones personal experience and have an impact on how we view they world. You mention the images that google produced. Its interesting to see how in the matter of seconds human mind can analyze these images to form an idea.

  6. Emily M. says:

    I really liked how your different examples of the photographs that have changed people’s thinking! One that always comes to mind for me is the picture of the young woman screaming right after a student was shot at Kent State during a Vietnam War protest. That’s one that helped turn the tide of opinions against fighting in Vietnam

    When Sugrue calls Detroit “transformed” from a prosperous town into a decaying pit, it’s a word that’s still applied in force today, mostly because of the images that are shown through the media. When you watch the news, most of the stories about Detroit are the bad ones, and they’re accompanied by video footage of burned out houses or empty neighborhoods. It doesn’t boost ratings to show happy stuff.

    One venue who is showing Detroit in a positive light is Johnny Knoxville’s documentary “Detroit Lives.” It shows images from a city that’s slowly starting to revive once again. I really liked it, check it out! 🙂

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