Week 3/36 days until travel

  1. Rainy says:

    If I understand your blog correctly, lerato is compassionate care. Lerato is what some American church communities practice through their various mission and outreach activities, although those activities are not necessarily embraced by entire congregations. I can understand why lerato may be as important as physical care with a disease like HIV/AIDS. This disease is particularly devastating because shame and embarrassment are inextricably linked to the victims as well as their families.

    On a personal note, I am well aware of stigma associated with disease. There is mental illness in my family–its not something I readily admit to. There are few people outside my family who know this, and even then, I only talk of it during a crisis. I am not personally acquainted with anyone with HIV/AIDS, and can only imagine the stigma and isolation they and their families experience (especially in the United States).

    Fostering lerato may be as important as access to adequate medical care, drug therapies, and frank discussion about the disease, its causes, and prevention.

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