
MANCHESTER | DERBYSHIRE | OXFORD “DIRTY OLD TOWN” Ewan MacColl hit the nail on the head when he used “Dirty old town” to describe Manchester (but in the most loving and, now, nostalgic of ways). Manchester, England is my second-favorite city on earth. Who couldn’t love a city that is so terribly beautiful yet so […]

February 22, 2016

ECUADOR, 2015 ¿DÓNDE ESTÁN LOS LADRONES? A few weeks ago, I scrambled off of a bus in Riobamba, Ecuador, panicking, ready to throw up. My camera was gone. My camera was gone and I knew that it wasn’t just me being clumsy.  That it wasn’t just that I stowed it in another bag for some reason […]

February 22, 2016

Recently, my co-worker, Chip, traveled to London on holiday for 2 weeks. Having come back to work and animatedly describing his adventures and the oddities he encountered whilst there, I’ve begun reflecting about my own enchanting time in the U.K. So I figured I’d keep it simple. Before I left for the U.K., I knew […]

July 30, 2013